Legal notice
This Legal Notice establishes the terms and conditions of use of the HyperGamerX website, which is dedicated to the sale and promotion of articles related to video games. By accessing and using the Site, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with them, please do not use this website.
Intellectual property:
HyperGamerX reserves all rights to the contents and materials present on the Site. These elements include, but are not limited to, logos, trademarks, texts, images, graphics, designs, software, codes and any other component found on the Site. All these elements are the exclusive property of HyperGamerX or their respective owners and are protected by current intellectual property laws. If in case you are the owner of any of the images, files or data, contact HyperGamerX through its networks, the authenticity and ownership of the data will be verified and it will be immediately removed from the website.
It is important to note that the reproduction, distribution, modification or any other unauthorized use of the contents and materials present on the Site is strictly prohibited, unless you have the express and written permission of HyperGamerX. This means that it is not allowed to copy, edit, distribute, transmit, publicly display, make derivative works or use in any way the contents and materials of the Site without the prior authorization of HyperGamerX.
The protection of intellectual property is fundamental to ensure that creators and owners of content and materials can benefit from their work and effort. HyperGamerX is committed to enforcing its intellectual property rights and will take the necessary legal measures to protect its assets. If you wish to use or reproduce the contents and materials present on the HyperGamerX Site, we recommend that you contact us to request the corresponding permission. We will be happy to evaluate your request and consider the specific circumstances.
Use of the Site:
The use of the Site is done at your own risk and responsibility. As a user, you must be aware that HyperGamerX is not responsible for any damage or loss that you may experience as a result of using this Site. Although we constantly strive to keep information up-to-date and accurate, it is important to note that we cannot offer absolute guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the contents of the Site.
We understand the importance of providing accurate and useful information for our users, and we work diligently to ensure that the contents are as reliable as possible. However, due to the changing nature of technology and the gaming industry, it is possible that some data and details will become obsolete or inaccurate over time.
We strive to regularly review and update the information published on the Site to keep it as up-to-date as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that all changes will be reflected immediately or that all errors will be corrected immediately. Therefore, it is important that you always check and consult other reliable sources for updated and accurate information on specific topics.
In addition, it should be noted that the Site may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to our users. We have no control over the content, privacy policies or practices of third-party websites. Therefore, we assume no responsibility for the content or actions of these linked websites. We recommend that you review the policies and terms of use of any third-party website before interacting with them.
Links to third parties:
The HyperGamerX Site is an online platform that offers a wide range of services and content related to video games. However, it is important to note that the Site may also contain links to other websites that are owned or operated by third parties. These links are provided solely for your convenience and with the aim of providing you with a more complete and enriching experience.
It is fundamental to note that HyperGamerX does not control or endorse the content of those third-party websites. Each website has its own terms and conditions, as well as privacy policies, which may differ from ours. Therefore, it is your responsibility to review and understand the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party website that you decide to visit through the links provided on our Site.
In addition, it is important to note that HyperGamerX assumes no responsibility for the contents, products or services offered on those third-party websites. If you decide to access them, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. We recommend that you be cautious and diligent when interacting with any external website and carefully read their privacy policies and terms and conditions.
As a conscious and responsible user, you must understand that each website has its own privacy policies and data collection practices. HyperGamerX has no control over these policies or how your personal data is collected, used or disclosed on those third-party websites. Therefore, we urge you to always review and understand the privacy policies of any website you visit.
Limitation of liability:
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, HyperGamerX shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Site. This includes, among other things, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information or any other type of economic loss.
It is important to note that HyperGamerX strives to provide a reliable and quality service to all its users. However, due to the nature of the Internet and other factors beyond our control, we cannot guarantee that the Site will always be available, work without interruptions or be free of errors.
In addition, HyperGamerX is not responsible for any damage that may result from unauthorized access or unauthorized use of your account. It is the user's responsibility to keep their login information secure and take the necessary precautions to protect their account.
Under no circumstances will HyperGamerX be liable for any loss or damage caused by viruses, malware or other destructive elements that may infect your equipment or software due to your use or access to the Site.
HyperGamerX reserves the right to make changes to the Site, its features or functionalities at any time and without prior notice. We assume no responsibility for any loss or inconvenience that may arise as a result of such changes.
We recommend that you regularly review the terms and conditions of use of the Site to be aware of any updates or changes.
In this sense, HyperGamerX, as the entity responsible for the website and service provider, reserves the right to make changes or modifications to the terms and conditions established at any time and without prior notice.
It is important to note that changes and modifications may be implemented with the aim of improving the user experience, adapting to new regulations or ensuring compliance with current laws and regulations.
In order to guarantee transparency and keep users duly informed, it is recommended to periodically review the terms and conditions page.
HyperGamerX understands the importance of clarity in the terms and conditions and strives to effectively communicate any changes or modifications that are made.
It is fundamental that users understand that the continued use of the website and services offered by HyperGamerX after any change or modification implies acceptance of the new terms and conditions. Therefore, users are urged to carefully review any updates to ensure that they agree with the established terms.
Applicable legislation:
These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the place where HyperGamerX is established. By accessing and using the HyperGamerX website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions. We recommend that you carefully read the following terms before using the Site. You agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, and you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree with any of the terms, we recommend that you do not use the Site. If you have any questions or concerns about these terms and conditions, you can contact us through the communication channels provided on the Site.
Last updated: 15/07/2023