How to Get Any Enchantment Through Villagers
Minecraft has an essential game mechanic called enchantments, which add abilities to your tools. Learn how to acquire them through villagers.

Why Villagers Are the Best Option for Enchantments
While there are various ways to get enchantments, using villagers is one of the most reliable methods to acquire exactly what you need. In this guide, we will explain how to get any enchantment in Minecraft through villagers and offer tips to maximize your chances of obtaining the book you want. Villagers in Minecraft can become expert traders, offering various items depending on their profession. Among these, librarians are the most valuable for players seeking enchantments. Librarians offer enchanted books as part of their trades, allowing players to access powerful enchantments without relying on random chance from an enchanting table.
Advantages of Using Villagers for Enchantments
- Specific Enchantments: Unlike the enchanting table, which gives random enchantments, you can get the exact enchantment you want by trading with a librarian.
- Level Flexibility: You don’t need a high level to trade for enchantments. As long as you have emeralds or tradeable resources, you can obtain any enchantment without needing experience points—just combine the enchantments with your tools.
- Reusability: You can trade with the same villager repeatedly, allowing you to get multiple copies of the same enchanted book.
How to Get Any Enchantment
Now that we’ve established why villagers are the ideal method for enchantments, let’s walk you through the step-by-step process to obtain any enchantment you want.
- Step 1: Find and Protect a Village
To start trading with villagers, you first need to find a village. Villages can often be found in plains, savannas, deserts, and other biomes, but you’ll need some luck. Once you find a village, it’s essential to protect the villagers from threats like zombies, pillagers, and other mobs that might attack them.
To protect the villagers, we recommend lighting up the village. Place torches around the entire village to prevent mobs from spawning at night. You can also enclose the village with a wall or move their beds inside an enclosed area for better protection.
- Step 2: Create a Librarian Villager
Librarians are the only villagers that offer enchanted books in their trades. You can create a librarian villager by giving an unemployed villager (who is not wearing a green robe) a lectern. The process is simple but essential to obtaining the enchantments you desire.
How to make a lectern: Required Materials: 4 wooden slabs and 1 bookshelf Crafting recipe: Place the bookshelf in the center of the crafting grid and arrange the wooden slabs in a horizontal row along the top and bottom slots of the crafting grid. Once you’ve crafted the lectern, place it near an unemployed villager. When the villager interacts with the lectern, they will become a librarian. This process is not permanent, so you can replace the lectern to change professions until you get a librarian with the enchantment you want.
- Step 3: Manipulate Villager Trades
One of Minecraft’s most valuable mechanics is the ability to change a librarian’s profession. Each time you break and place the lectern, the librarian will offer a new set of trades, including enchanted books. Wait for the unemployed villager to become a librarian and check their first enchanted book trade. Break the lectern to reset the villager’s profession, place the lectern again, and check the new trade. Repeat this process until the librarian offers the enchantment you’re looking for. This can take some time but is the most reliable way to get specific enchantments.
- Step 4: Get the Best Enchantments from Villagers
Some enchantments are particularly useful for survival and progress in Minecraft. Here are some of the most sought-after enchantments to prioritize:
Mending is one of the best enchantments in the game, allowing tools, weapons, and armor to repair themselves using experience orbs. This enchantment is incredibly valuable as it essentially makes your gear last forever.
Unbreaking III
Unbreaking increases the durability of your tools and armor, making them last longer before needing repairs. It’s highly recommended for tools and armor to maximize their durability, and it complements Mending well.
Protection IV
This enchantment reduces the damage you take, making it important for armor. With a full set of Protection IV, you become significantly harder to kill.
Sharpness V
Sharpness adds extra damage to swords and axes, making it a powerful enchantment for any player engaged in combat. Sharpness V offers the maximum damage increase, turning even a standard sword into a powerful weapon.
Efficiency V
Efficiency increases the speed at which tools break blocks. Efficiency V on a diamond or netherite pickaxe makes mining incredibly fast, saving you time and effort in resource gathering.
How to Get Cheaper Enchantments
One way to reduce the cost of trades is by curing a zombified villager. When you cure a villager who has been turned into a zombie, they offer significant discounts on trades, including enchanted books. You can also trigger a village raid and earn the “Hero of the Village” effect, which grants you discounts for a limited time.
How to cure a zombified villager:
- Trap a zombified villager in a safe location.
- Throw a weakness potion at them.
- Feed the villager a golden apple.
- Wait a few minutes for the villager to return to normal. Once cured, the villager will offer discounted trades, allowing you to save emeralds while obtaining enchantments.
Villagers, especially librarians, are the most reliable way to get any enchantment in Minecraft. By manipulating trades, gathering resources, and maximizing discounts, you can ensure you have access to powerful enchantments to aid you on your journey. Whether you’re looking for Mending, Protection IV, or Efficiency V, villagers offer a methodical approach to upgrading your gear in the most efficient way possible.