The 3 best skin packs in Valorant
Are you looking for which weapon pack to buy in Valorant? Discover the suggestions we make.

You still don’t know which skins pack to buy in Valorant or which weapons to buy in the night market. Well, in this article, I’ll show you some of the best Valorant packs that you might be interested in, and you might even end up buying them. We’ll give you information about the price of each weapon so that when it appears in the night market, you can buy it and take advantage of the offer.
Remember that this list of skin packs is an opinion of the same author of the article, and if you have a different opinion or disagree with the author’s opinion, well, your opinion is also valid. In the end, you decide which skins pack to buy. Now, let’s show you the skin packs:
Glitchpop 2.0
The GlitchPop 2.0 weapons pack is one of the most colorful and aesthetic ones you’ll find. It was released with patch 2.02 (EP2), making it one of the moderately old packs, but still one of the most remembered and acclaimed by Valorant players. Some are just waiting for a weapon from this pack to be available to buy.
For each weapon, 10 Radianite Points per upgrade level, 15 Radianite Points per variant after a weapon has been fully upgraded. Variants must be used with the fully upgraded weapon design set.
Weapon Information:
- Classic: Cost of 2,175 Valorant Points, Variants: Blue, Red, and Gold, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher (EP2)
- Phantom: Cost of 2,175 Valorant Points, Variants: Blue, Red, and Gold, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher (EP2)
- Vandal: Cost of 2,175 Valorant Points, Variants: Blue, Red, and Gold, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher (EP2)
- Operator: Cost of 2,175 Valorant Points, Variants: Blue, Red, and Gold, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher (EP2)
- Knife: Cost of 4,350 Valorant Points, Level 2: Adds animation (EP2)

The Arcade weapons pack is a hug to the nostalgia of many Valorant players, and even those who aren’t. It was released with patch 6.08 and aims to capture that retro aesthetic, making it very nostalgic. It comes with good finishers and references to other well-known video games.
For each weapon, 10 Radianite Points per upgrade level, 15 Radianite Points per variant after a weapon has been fully upgraded. Variants must be used with the fully upgraded weapon design set.
Weapon Information:
- Ghost: Cost of 2,975 Valorant Points, Variants: Dance Fever and K.nock O.ut, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher
- Phantom: Cost of 2,975 Valorant Points, Variants: Dance Fever and K.nock O.ut, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher
- Bulldog: Cost of 2,975 Valorant Points, Variants: Dance Fever and K.nock O.ut, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher
- Operator: Cost of 2,975 Valorant Points, Variants: Dance Fever and K.nock O.ut, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher
- Knife: Cost of 5,950 Valorant Points, Variants: Dance Fever and K.nock O.ut, Level 2: Animation

Ion 2.0
The Ion 2.0 weapons pack is one of the most aesthetic and beautiful weapons you’ll find in Valorant. This weapons pack was released with patch 5.08 (EP5). It’s very simple in its aesthetic and very comfortable to use by the player, comes with good finishers, and different variants to suit your taste.
For each weapon, 10 Radianite Points per upgrade level, 15 Radianite Points per variant after a weapon has been fully upgraded. Variants must be used with the fully upgraded weapon design set.
Weapon Information:
- Frenzy: Cost of 1,775 Valorant Points, Variants: Green, Yellow, and Blue, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher
- Spectre: Cost of 1,775 Valorant Points, Variants: Green, Yellow, and Blue, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher
- Vandal: Cost of 1,775 Valorant Points, Variants: Green, Yellow, and Blue, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher
- Ares: Cost of 1,775 Valorant Points, Variants: Green, Yellow, and Blue, Level 2: Adds visual effects, Level 3: Adds animation, and Level 4: Adds Finisher
- Knife: Cost of 4,350 Valorant Points, Level 2: Adds visual effects